Our work - Proven solutions for real-world problems.

We believe in efficiency and maximizing our resources to provide the best value to our clients.

Case studies


Web development, AI Chatbot

An AI Medical Chatbot

Synapsure, a leading medical platform, offers comprehensive learning solutions with AI-powered search, Q&A banks, and ANKI integration.

Tailored for healthcare professionals and students, it provides reliable expertise, ensuring affordable plans for a diverse range of users.

ZAPEX Solutions has consistently delivered innovative solutions, showcasing a keen ability to tackle challenges with creativity and efficiency. Their dedication to excellence and effective communication have significantly contributed to the success of our projects.

Liam Grouse, Co-Founder of Synapsure


iOS App

SYNCalc: a synesthesia calculator app

Choose from 256,000 color options for digits and background tiles. A tailored app experience to match users synesthetic experiences.

ZAPEX Solutions demonstrated a remarkable level of expertise and innovation throughout the development process. Their understanding of the unique needs of the neurodiverse community, particularly those with synesthesia, is evident in every aspect of SYNCalc.

Karen Whittingham, Co-Founder of Neuroversal

Creative Classrom

Web development, CMS

Building an educational learning platform

An educational platform dedicated to delivering comprehensive learning solutions for students, teachers, and parents.

The ZAPEX team resonated deeply with our mission to revolutionise the education landscape, and their commitment to providing comprehensive learning solutions aligned seamlessly with our goals.

Ian Moore, Founder of Creative Classroom

ZAPEX Solutions has consistently delivered innovative solutions, showcasing a keen ability to tackle challenges with creativity and efficiency. Their dedication to excellence and effective communication have significantly contributed to the success of our projects.


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